You are correct. I thought about this the other day. We are entering a new era. We can see how it’s all connected, the police basically are protecting a system, which ostracizes. It is exclusive not inclusive. We are beginning to see ourselves disconnected from the vast amount of money needed to participate. It is a pyramid scheme. We no longer see celebrities as like us, people we can emulate. They are so far out of our depth that we have begun to resent them. The man trying to put an ATM on a bus because he doesn’t have a car is ridiculous, especially when he calls out to the driver that he will share the wealth and the driver shuts the door on him. But, we also see ourselves in the ridiculousness of having no plan, no options when it all goes to hell, which it might. How are we going to raise food if the grocery stores close? Where are we going to work if there are no jobs? How do we pay our rent, homeowner association fees, property taxes, yes, practically every person in the world is threatened, except these truly rich and connected people. We don’t have any time to think about fancy things. All we are doing is spending money on food and necessities. We have no idea how this will play out. We realize too that celebrity is a club, mostly genetically-connected. I have even met a lot of celebrities and they steal ideas. They could care less about you. They are implementing their own agenda. I shared a book with one and the next thing I knew he was on the best-sellers’ list with a book practically like mine. I think we realize, we have got to make it. There are no hand-outs that aren’t seen as a protection from the craziness 330,000,000 people represent, who have no jobs. That 1% is getting smaller. I know I am not in that category. America as far as I remember was for The People. I don’t remember it was for the few. We aren’t as dumb as we look. Prance those well-dressed people as much as you want, they are just showing off. We got mouths to feed. We know what George Floyd was going through. He was killed right in front of our eyes. We are all George Floyd. He is my celebrity. He is my live-action figure. They killed our hero.