This is the second piece this morning about women not having orgasms. Who are you sleeping with? Why are you not sleeping with someone, who makes you orgasm? But, seriously, the one thing my ex-wife said to me: “At least the sex was good.” There are guys like me. We are out here. Women are dating the wrong guys. Find someone who is going to worship you. Stop chasing indifference or narcissism, or psychopathology. Look for and talk to the shy ones, who are trapped in the emotional turmoil of having crushes on you, but who cannot make the first move because it’s terrifying. But, once they feel secure, they will rock your world! They will fall madly and permanently in love. Being in love with the correct woman means there is nothing else that matters. You are the focus, the reason for being. Think of Henry Miller: Nexus, Plexus, Sexus, and The Tropic of Cancer! Every word is a poem about you. Orgasms should be continuous, like waking in the morning and drawing the drapes: Sunshine!