There is something very funny in an announcement to the world that you don’t want, need I say this? That wasn’t even my first thought. Plus, you are married. I have never met you. I doubt even the picture is correct. But, of course you are being rhetorical, but really? That line about “It’s like a penis.” Really? “Oh, you know that writer, who looks like a penis.” Now, when I see your name, I will have that image: Austin Texas, woman, labia, small penis. I know you, I think, aren’t from Austin. I once did a one-man photography show at a major University (Dean of the Art Department called it a “Masters Equivalent”), which leads me to believe the joke was on me, since the show was called “The Masturbator.” You can imagine in those days what a shock that was. Lucky for me, I didn’t have a small penis…pictured. The show was about self-indulgence as an artist and I had tape recordings of short stories and poems about all kinds of things, indulgences. Here is the first paragraph of the first story I recorded and played in the gallery:
“”Nervousness” is either the combination of an impassioned heart in an indifferent environment or it is an indifferent heart in an impassioned environment. For me it is the former, and for you the latter. Where, in your presence the manifestation of my dreams is a scowl.”
In the gallery were framed color photos without any sexual content on one side of a colored room and framed black and white images on the other. I did make a desk in the middle with one leg of glass like a translucent drip (of sperm) and the table shape, like many wooden shapes on the floor were also organic implying giz. In all, the intention was also spectacle for the sake of attention.
Anyway, you can imagine the show was a hit. I even got asked to a woman’s study class to talk about what I meant. People said I was way ahead of my time. But, like you, I guess, there is a kind of soberness to the festivities. “Boy, she’s got balls…I mean a small penis?” Anyway, it’s fun to see decorum fly out the window. You certainly got my attention. Medium has to be the best title producing writing group alive. And a lot of the women here have balls…and small penises, apparently. 🤓