The thing that's really important, at least for me, is trust. Eventually, you get to the question of marriage and the fact that it is a financial partnership. Are you ready to give half your income to someone else? Are you ready to share everything? If you think a dating app can present to you a fully vetted individual then perhaps it's a good vehicle for populating your dating life. I finally met someone at a wedding, who has known my family for years. Even I have to ask the question, is this someone I trust? My family loves her. I feel she would fall on a sword for me. I am also deeply in love with her. She is a good and gorgeous person. I am lucky. She is also fiscally responsible and fun to be with . She plans the best travel adventures, and they are affordable.
A long time ago, friend advised finding romantic partners by asking friends and family to set you up. I think this is a good idea.
This is not to say that I didn't find a lot of friends on dating apps, but the "crushes" were always off the grid, surprises. My ex-wife at a party given by my teacher, the flight attendant walking with my flight attendant friend, the woman I worked with, and then one from a networking app, but nothing came of that, and all the others. They were fine too. At a point in time, you settle down. You thank your lucky stars for what you have.
Apps were always great for finding people you might have something in common with, but it turned out sex appeal and people out of reach were more exciting.
Then you just find that person and you smile at how lucky you are.