Thank you so much for this piece Ms. Stevens. The more we make known the female experience, perhaps we can get better relationships going. I am 60 and I still cannot separate looks from desire. I want to think that all the women I had crushes on, would still be as appealing, and the last one remains tremendously appealing. I haven't seen the others for a long time, so I don't know, but there was one when I was very young for whom I have absolutely no attraction. As you mentioned, I am in the invisible stage. I should have spent less time developing my soul and making more money. Under the circumstances, I am more worried about being able to retire as opposed to having sex. Today, I ran/walked 6 miles in the hills, created four musical pieces. And last week I played music and sang on the steps of a high school. I am trying to be the person women find appealing. But, instead, I may just look that way. Here is a video of me at a bar in San Francisco in 2019: