Thank you so much for recognizing my style of reviewing. I don't know it to be original. I hope it is. I don't know how else to communicate how something connects and what words represent the essence of something. I take notes and underline words, and each word or moment seems to relate to my life in the words I use to describe it and the work that is teaching me. I step away from the work and ponder reality under the influence of the work. Tolstoy talked about emotional communication. Prose is often not poetic. There is a bridge that must be crossed. It was so hard, and perhaps I failed to poetically render the Basic Writings of Kant (Modern Library), for example. It's like you have to take all that information and pass it through a super computer and spit out the data that is a poetic rendering of something so sterile and profound. One the whole, Kant is so far beyond me, that my rendition is faithful, not necessarily accurate. Only others can say. I am only true to what I feel is the essence. With The White Dress only time will tell. My hope is that this review "contributes to society by continuing the public discourse," proves a critique by implication, it is a new use, as you say, and seeks to 'promote the progress of science and useful arts.' Is the work transformative and adds new meaning or message? I only used what I thought provided exactitude in expressing the essence of the points of Léger. I do not wish to adversely affect her work, but to affect it positively. My use should not act as a replacement for the original. I do not wish to be silenced, for my ekphrastic response is in itself honest to my feelings.