Thank you for another informative and straightly shot piece. Given the assumed physical differential, I wouldn’t recommend it either. One conversation with an anti-vaxer or a Proud Boi and I can understand being gaslit into oblivion. The fact that women get raped, in general, must be sobering. Narcissists choose not to empathize another person’s feelings. The fact that most customers at restaurants do not wear masks should give you a hint about people and their willingness to endanger others if it is inconvenient to protect them by wearing a mask. Our culture is disrespectful of women. I am sure I have no way of imagining what it is like for a woman. I was thinking that we legitimize prostitution/sex work so that women aren’t afraid of calling the police, but then I assume this might also exacerbate the exploitive elements. I think this is why sex work is illegal. If you pay for it it means it is not free. It’s like women are doing something they wouldn’t otherwise do, so more money or a lot of money may translate into ultimate authority over them since the mechanism is not about willingness but about financial compensation. I am trying to understand why men would abort kindness and concern and to me it may have to do with changing the nature of why people are intimate. A man having to pay for something means he is not good enough on his own. He realizes he is pond scum if the only reason a woman will sleep with him is if he will pay her, and I would imagine a lot of men cannot afford to pay for sex, which also adds insult. This is a complicated issue. I feel for you Mysterious Witt.