Thank you Cosette. I agree, when we are intoxicated, we are barely aware of our own success as we negotiate a room, and yes when we are unsure of someone, we might not know whether we approve or disapprove of intimacy. But, I do want to stress that when we are not intoxicated, we need to pay attention to our intiutions. Because, I am not much of a drinker, the idea of an inability to make an "uninfluenced" decision is not something I usually consider. A man taking advantage of a woman is clearly wrong. But, I don't think a rapist is on any borderline of decency. He is there, like a predator, I would think, simply because his MO is power and opportunity. Love, to me, does not come from a selfish place, but truly comes from good intentions. The whole point of my story "Pickles and Tarts" is to argue that activites between people involve a series of decisions, where even the very last decision can prove the worth or lack of worth of any person toward another, especially as it relates to hooking up, or not hooking up.