Sure, old school review of a woman; complete honesty. Yes, we are not to do anything anymore. It’s called political correctness. But, I was schooled by the daughter of an artist, who was doing “sexualized” art when she said, it’s just beautiful. My main argument is that the truth gets buried, in this case, by the less important detail. She wasn’t willing to give up her shoes in the context of an arrest. It was procedural. His comments came after.
Never judge a book by its cover. This can be applied to the projector and the projected. The officer at the time thought she was put together well, thoughtfully dressed, educated, etc., but the popularized response is Black people are victimized by the system. I get that. They should not be. They should be treated equal.
I do understand where Josh is coming from. He should have just said: “Sit down; when you give me your shoes we will start the process,” but again his comments were irrelevant to the point of the piece: “Never judge a book by its cover,” which both parties are effectively doing.
I grew up in Hawaii, my book cover was Haole. I hate it being seen as racist when I am going out of my way to be nice and I haven’t done or said anything. I think the point is we come locked and loaded, where we have been abused, but sometimes an arrest is just an arrest.