Really, a judgmental look? What a prude. I would be more inclined to believe that you had a girlfriend rather than a man, especially when the underlying theme is a question about being a good feminist. To which I must also assert that a woman painting a woman is not, nor would it ever be a feminist breach. Don’t you think?
Women can do anything they want, you have inherent empathy toward each other. Men, on the other hand, can’t be feminists. I know I may sound like a Mansplainer, but as it has been my beef with Solnit, argumentation and debate is a non-gender sport. It has to do with language. Her single example as expert of a minute area vs. the male owner of a house she was in, forgets that at parties, people are just talking and women are not excluded, unless they want to be, which in her case she ripped him a new as#hole. But, that’s the beauty of conversations. They involve more than yourself. And just for the record, one example, does not make for a law and generalizations are fallacies of logic.