My mother too. And she died two years ago as of August. You are going to have a long time with her slow disability. My regret is not having her closer to me. Because I could not lift her, she would fall down in the shower, and leave things on the stove, I had to get her to a nursing home, where they could watch her 24/7, but of course I regret that. I miss her presence and calming quality. She is very much a part of me. Try to be there for her as often as you can. Believe it or not, she will simply be gone one day. My mother died in my hands and she couldn't speak because she had starved herself to death and she just looked at me. Her throat was too raw and dry. That was very sad. I knew what she was doing. She wanted out, but it was a very hard and painful end. Hold your mother and tell her how much you appreciate her. She and your father gave you everything. You won't realize that until they are both gone. My love Quy. I know what you are going through.