My First SoundCloud Upload
I guess there is a story here. In August of last year, I started teaching myself to play the iPhone piano. It wasn’t long and I felt cocky. I went to a restaurant on Grand Avenue in Oakland, California and asked the bartender if I could play some music. He said, “OK, I’ll give you 20 minutes.”
I played for about a half-hour and he said, “Do you want to work lunches?”
I said, “Sure.” I played for a number of weeks until my getting up early to get there and my night job were making me cranky.
On the same day I played there, still cocky, I went to the large Catholic Church near Lake Merritt (The Cathedral of Christ the Light), and eventually got to the Music Director, who said I could play the piano. I set up my small Bose portable and played via Bluetooth. The music was haunting in that huge, gorgeously accoustically-inclined cathedral.
After that, still cocky, I went to Diesel Books on College Ave. I asked the clerk if she wouldn’t mind if I played some light music in the back of the store. She, and the other clerks and/or managers said OK. I played again for about 20 minutes and the clerk said: “I don’t know what you are doing today, but please don’t stop.”
I played for about an hour and stopped. Again, the accoustical facets of the store were incredible.
Since then, I went to America’s Got Talent, performed, but was not called back. I have composed and recorded over 328 pieces since August.
Here is a link to my first SoundCloud upload. I hope you like it: