Mr. Denning,
I posted a piece here on Medium about a performance artist, who did an art show involving her life as a stripper, who included an epileptic gimmick, but where she later got mercury poisoning and nearly died. The editors of Medium told me I was purposely harassing and/shamming the artist. My review of her show was nine years later and was really simply moving toward a solution to rape culture and an exploration of themes she presented as related to the current state of affairs: #MeToo!, feminism, etc. I was curious as to why the Medium Trust and Safety Committee would ask me to edit out all information that could reveal the artist, where that information had already been made public and removes any credibility that the protagonist of my article actually exists. If they had read the piece, my purpose was not to harass or shame the artist. Generally, I was examining the assertions made by the artist and the milieu within which she worked. I had a bigger picture in mind, which is the resolution of the abuse of women overall. I am going toward something that I only recently learned is an old idea, but one that hasn’t been examined or talked about to my knowledge of late, which I will reserve for forth-coming pieces. I must be that one percent of writers, who is not playing it safe. Wish me luck. I am actually worried that the truth, as I know it, may not be welcome here.