Just wait until we completely isolate ourselves, which is what Trump is perfecting. “F America,” they will say. Where there is no food on the table. We stand naked now. Shameful consumers that we are. Blood for oil. Other people’s lives before our own. It’s only a matter of time before our goodness is tested and I am sure we will fail. As long as we are spared, we will do anything, even murder. All it takes is the threat of disaster, to have to live as we have made others. Manufacturing plants filled with thousands of workers in the same pink pajamas sewing pants, putting little electronic parts together. No, he’ll no! But, it’s inevitable. The lowest common denominator. The cheapest worker. The fastest, most efficient, least noisy employee. The employee with everything to lose. The kiss ass. The willing slave. Without basic needs, we clamor just below the surface like Coi in a pond getting our breadcrumbs from the bosses. But, we are just Coi limited to our dirty water.