It’s hard not to see sex as an event employing two people who are sensually bound to their bodies, but who, because they are excited by each other, are also caring. It just follows that you engage in sex with someone you are “in love with?”
I guess I can’t speak for other people, but sexual encounters for me are the most intimate and tender moments of life. These people I “make love to” are perhaps the most important people. I truly believe that these are the people, with whom you are supposed to be most open and most vulnerable with or why else go there?
Love-making is a validation of self. It means you can love another person. In time, love is about humanness. It isn’t about the ultra feminine doll or as you say, Don Juanism. It’s accepting yourself by being able to love.
I would hate to be in your shoes. This all seems so much like psychopathology, lacking empathy. Wanting to be in control of another person is the opposite of love.