It’s beginning to be a joke to me. Who are these women, who have to qualify sex? Sex is fun as hell. If you don’t want to have sex, fine. I would rather be having sex than arguing about sex or who gets sex. When I rolled my eyes at a Gay man from across the room and he came up to me and said: "Nobody wants to be with someone, who doesn't want to be with them!" He was pissed. I am pissed too. I get it. I am not the Julio Iglesias I was at 21. But, at 61, I run in the hills, 6.2 miles. One shoulder is dislocated and the other has a torn muscle. I wrote 5 lullabies the other day for a new baby. I just finished remodeling my condo by myself. I framed a 4' x 7' pastel painting from scratch. I have written seven books. Done at least 75 works of art. Have a master's equivalent in photography, BA in Speech, paralegal certificate, designed a museum, pretty much anything I wanted. I have designed for the second-largest opera in the United States. I am not nice anymore. I get it. I don't want everything to be perfect. All I need is sex. Everything else is covered. And I am going to find someone. There is someone for everyone. As of 2019, there were 3,822,561,000 females in the world. Do you think two people, who find each other attractive are even having this conversation? No. It's a waste of time. This conversation is for people who are trying to teach others about what they want. F- that. You don't want to be with people, who aren't satisfied, want to change you. Don't waste your time. It's just attraction, not rocket science. Pick someone who gets you, because you are nice. There's nothing wrong with you. You are fine. You just haven't found the one, and there are lots of those. You know what's really funny? Attraction for other people comes from being happy about yourself. I can love just about anyone when I am happy. I don't want to change anyone. I just want to find my person. She'll understand.