It wasn’t long ago that I thought of a car that was very square with a small square-tipped nose. It was like two long boxes, one shorter than the other on top of each other. I figured as long as it had some increase as you went down the car, it would move as most cars do → forward.
I thought of it as an odd design since we have kind of put those designs in the past. But, I imagined how it would stand out, as you have implied Dheeraj Nanduri representing something that is unique to what we have on the road.
When I bought my red 2014 FIAT 500L, I was at a Mercedes dealership looking for a car, a $20,000 Mercedes because I had for a little while a 1985 Mercedes 300D: and I loved it.
However, when I was on the lot, all the cars were basically the same, black, dark blue, white, and gray, then at the end of the lot my FIAT was rising above them with a quirky design with sad ladybug eyes. I got in and fell in love.
The point is I didn’t want to drive a car everyone else had. I didn’t need to prove my worth in having a Mercedes, I just wanted one as good as the 1985 Merc.
As you said, Dheeraj Nanduri, that’s why Tesla is doing it. The truck is totally different.