It really is about the money. I don’t think women can ever be truly equal to men because of this extra-relational element. I won’t go to strip clubs or date women I have to pay for. It undermines the equality of the relationship, distorts it into an act of commerce, which makes complete sense in a material world given the cost, isolation and vulnerability of having children. In that sense money matters, but not in the sense of sex and relationship, the desire to be with someone. It only proves, a man is measured by his wallet. I am a poet, writer, lyricist, musician, etc., I will never have the money, or suspect that I will given experience, to afford the woman I want because they are trained by society to not settle for less. Equally, I won’t settle for less than what I have had, or better, which of course didn’t work, obviously. I cannot translate what I love to do into financial success, and thus I live quietly and alone. Enjoy your perusal of men in the club, but you will never find me there. As an artist I accept and embrace the truth. I only believe in mutual attraction that has nothing to do with a false impression of me.