It has been said that Trump answers to a type of person, who is basically afraid. Sure, they have guns and big trucks. They claim to have rights to the US that obviously ignores that American Indians were here first and that White Supremacy is dumb, but that would be just adding fuel to the fire, if I mentioned it. Competition makes for goal frustration. Capitalism inevitably takes all the money and resources. We are just in the last throes of our having to start at the bottom again. The cheapest labor gets the job. Just look at the "gig" economy coming to fruition amid the remnants of the COVID period. Trump is a manifestion of their dreams. But, of course he is a delusion of granduer. All the bankruptcies, payments to pornstars, and fake empathies belie his sleight of hand. No one can save us from out past. Republicans put all their eggs in his basket, but they'll never face the funeral march that he has become. Social security and Medicare are his focus and certainly splitting up the country into factions, where United We Stand, and Divided We Fall. No, there is no love.