I would say you were hot rather than cool, but you can be both at the same time. The fact that you recognize that you have the power to be anyone you want is perhaps the most important piece of information. I just posted on Facebook the statement: “My life is paradise because I remodeled it.” This follows from a statement I made before that about my not being Christian and how the Bible is propaganda. What God chooses people? I chose to be a good person. I don’t need God for that. This is really powerful stuff. A rational mind, doesn’t clamor for excuses. It doesn’t make things up. Our lives are being lived now. We must live them glowingly. For tomorrow we won’t be here and no one has time to organize a vigil. They have their own gorgeous lives. Love thy neighbor, because they are as amazing. You are hot and so cool. You are a woman! The most revelatory person on earth! We love you! We seriously do.