I understand this. As a photographer, photographs are my work and memories. They are works of art that like a painting I have of an ex I did, they should appeal to others as such. But, most importantly is how they make me feel, and a current beau shouldn’t feel threatened by them because we all understand the reality of exes. They are exes for a reason and if there was something there, you would be with them.
The fact your boyfriend did this would have been it for me. He destroyed private property. He went through your private things. He had no right. You should have firmly warned him and stopped him. Only because he was probably stronger did he get away with this.
As a man, I apologize to you. I cannot imagine the presumptuousness of this guy. He broke in and destroyed things of value. This is not someone who values you. He sounds like a completely narcissistic person. I know people like this and I loathe them.
Run from this person. Hopefully, you can get away.