I feel in our mutual sharing, there is a closeness that develops. Something must tear away at our puritanical/hypocritical upbringing, which is like a false lock and key. We were meant to be honest and caring with each other, or how else do we love and accept the other? Oddly, I read yesterday that Psychiatrist Wilhelm Stekel’s patient, “Who was completely impotent and estranged from his wife, now lives a normal sexual life with her again” by “transferring his phantasies to [Stekel] and disclosing [a] dark secret [that] held him spellbound since his thirteenth year. This aided in taking the joy out of perversions [not that I necessarily believe this] which derived a major portion of their effect from the fact that they were practiced in seclusion… He [transferred] a part of his libido to his wife and to his work, i.e., to real objects instead of to phantasies,” (Stekel). It appears that being honest and open is a cure. I also just read this: “It’s that the best love is the kind of romantic relationship where you can be naked, vulnerable and safe all at the same time. Accept nothing less,” (https://www.yourtango.com/users/aria-gmitter).