I do not agree with your logic here. Maybe he realized after what he did and her unconsciousness that he might have killed her. The reason I say this is because he appears to be removed from her. His narcissism or psychology is wholly without regard for her wellbeing or person, where he has lived out a perceived justified reprisal in the context of what his body believes or feels was sufficient to his rage. She just happened to be 5’8” and 145 lbs, and she must have felt little more than a rag toll in the mouth of a rottweiler or a bear, which doesn’t measure the prey’s strength, just infraction. There was a case, where a woman insulted a man with a blow up Godzilla. He, a huge man, threw her on the ground and jumped on her head killing her. His rage, while certainly intending to be satisfied, may also not be intending to kill, per se, but to teach her a lesson. He was acting out of revenge for his inadequacy to adapt to a civil response. Such individuals have a cultural or socialized acceptance (NFL player/Take what you want physical power rule), where domination comes from the body’s enactment and the mind’s limited thought capacity to also consider the empathetic effects simultaneously. In other words, his very job rewards utter and sheer abuse. He is like a soldier, who is taught to kill rather than diplomatically resolve problems he might encounter on the “battlefield.” Many have remarked that we live in a rape culture or one that would tolerate a Harvey Weinstein behavior of, in effect, demanding that his actresses sleep with him, and to a heinous level of blatancy, where he hired people to discredit or curtail his victims from harming his reputation of getting him in trouble with authorities.
Power, in both cases, becomes the “acceptable” means of protection from a perceived threat regardless of the absurdity of the physical inequalities. Women, to such men, are perceived as threats to manhood and/or privilege to do or be who they want to be because of who they are. This is intrinsically what’s wrong with our culture, which is a might-makes-right mentality. We may recognize that our actions may have ended up killing people, “but people, immigrants, for example, should not be coming into our country and taking our jobs.” Most Americans are narcissistic. Just think of how a general disregard for the plight of Yemenis people, at the hands of the Saudi leadership, speaks to our disregard for justice since we are getting oil and gas to get to work, which is Blood for oil. We are often selective or hypocritical in our regard for justice. It’s too complicated to think that our gas comes from murders. Remember Khashoggi?