I am very sorry John, but your review was like a put down of something truly brilliant. Recently, a Chronicle list put it second to the bottom, and Breaking Bad at the top. That made absolutely no sense to me. Yes, people have opinions, and they are valid, but my reaction to your opinion was truly to have made those remarks. It came out if me like vomit. It was visceral. I seldom feel that way. For you to no longer like something because I had an effect from your review of it, makes me wonder. My review of your review should be the focus, not something again that is truly brilliant. I also read another review, not sure where of the series, and this person also argued failings of the last season. I watched the season and found it seamlessly consistent, and even messier. One incredible statement made by Linney in the last season is how she became involved in something so horrifying and intense that once you are in it you just can’t find ordinary life satisfying. The show, like Dexter, Weeds, and Breaking Bad, for example, speak to the darkness our times, which is where capitalism spins out of control because it’s exploitation of natural resources, of people, etc., leaves nothing untouched. It’s kill or be killed, it’s about money, there are people, who only care about money and they have us by the neck making us dance or we will die. Everything about Ozark is brilliant. No one is safe. Just watch as our world continues to imitate art. Ozark is a perfect metaphor. Sorry. I have to disagree with you.