I am the type of person, who is beginning to see make-up as a kind of mask, someone hiding something or hiding behind something. A woman I have a crush on has two looks, her unshaven and unmade up look and her made-up look. While I prefer both, I love her unmade self. It fits my love of truth. She is a Professor of English Lit (Hot). Plus, she’s Korean and Dutch, six feet tall, and used to work as a cocktail server in a men’s club. She once stood up in a cafe and raised her arms revealing her unshaven arm pits. She had no make-up and said “Do I look OK?” I wanted to tell her, she was the prettiest woman in the world. I fell in love with her when I met her. She walked into the Mexican restaurant in Alameda in a blue blouse and matching short pants and said immediately: “You know I am never going to sleep with you.” She had me. I promise, make-up is just a distraction. Go running and study philosophy and English lit and you can get anyone! I have never met a more attractive woman.