I agree with you where the aggressor has so much power and so little morality, a kind of narcissism, and with that the danger of a narcissist’s revenge, but as Erin Leonard said in “One Way To Beat a Narcissist” is “to enact the power of deep and creative thought.” Blacks in America are in many ways cultural leaders, who shame White people for not addressing the wrongs of the past, present, and future or for not being able to imagine what Blacks are complaining about. That’s because like rape victims, they have a completely different perspective than rapists, who can never know what a rape victim feels. Feminists and #MeToo!ers are creating creating intellectually hip conversational cliques that White males mostly are simply unqualified to join because they aren’t women, who have experienced abuse, and similarly, White people can never know what it is like to be Black. There is no secret password. It’s an experience. That’s what needs to happen, but also violence itself is perhaps another way of reflecting back the terror imposed by those who are ignorant of its effects. Until it hurts, it cannot be understood.
Still, as Leonard said, White society “remain[s at] surface level with regard to human emotion” and the best way to beat them is to make emotional depth and intelligence the key to joining the club. Just watch the air seep from the sails of Trump as he witnesses the empty seats at his Tulsa rally, where a bunch of smart kids bought out all the tickets to keep others at bay. Being smarter is one way to defeat the hater because hate itself is superficial and without a strong foundation. It has no attractive properties and certainly no longevity.