I agree. I have a late-2007 iMac and Safari won’t update it, so Medium now jumps to the top of every article and I can’t read them unless I hold the mouse down. I cannot highlight or respond to articles. I don’t know how to save my data in Notes, for example, and once lost months worth of work because of a downed internal HD drive, as well as an iPhone failure. I am connected to the cloud, but as an original content creator, how or why would I trust Apple? Apple is great until you realize you are stuck and then you just want to throw all of it: phone, iMac, and air, out the window (now there’s an interesting coincidence of terms). I don’t think Apple realizes the irony. I bought their products for quality and longevity, but they won’t fix anything after ten years, which, of course undermines the point of Apple. I honestly don’t think I can afford Apple much longer. I don’t use notes or pages anymore. I won’t run my Word program or CS3. I do everything on email and send it to myself. I hate planned obsolescence!