Hurray! He probably liked the way your dress gave him the tour of your form. But, I have to admit that there are some women, who choose dresses that have certain patterns or designs that remind me of the things the MadMen women wore, and in my case I think it is because my mother was a beauty queen and runway model who made her own clothes in a manner that was informed by that aesthetic.
When I see the combination of such a woman’s look and outfit, I practically scream: “Oh God, I want you!”
Just the other day I was riding the BART train to San Francisco and while pulling into the 18th Street Station, there was a taller brunette in a brown, black, and white patterned dress. I could barely see her. The window was dirty. I put my head down thinking I would never see her again. (I have kind of given up these days.) Anyway, in seconds, I could feel like something was going on. A woman jumped into the seat next to me, and that woman, I liked, almost made it, but didn’t. She stood above the seats to my left. I never looked up, and soon enough it was over. She got off before Powell.
I am older now and the #MeToo! Movement has made me not even look at women anymore. That’s part of the reason why I questioned your critique of that man’s lack of aggression in the other piece. “Aggression” is not a good thing apparently, although I know women qualify it. It’s OK for the right person.
At this point, I am kind of in protest mode. I really make no effort. It’s pathetic, but I am tired of competing. I am so unsure of what I have to do. If that genital language isn’t enough, the paintings, the photographs, the music, the remodel, the condo, the car, the projects after projects, which don’t seem to matter anymore, I am truly at a loss. But, I understand what’s going on. If we aren’t employed by the companies that represent what’s driving our culture, we aren’t really sustainably attractive. Sex is a serious thing. It selects who will be perpetuating the species.
On the train, I had a Bose S1 Pro Portable speaker between my legs, which I used to amplify my iPhone piano playing in an alleyway near China Town while a foreign voice I couldn’t understand was yelling at me to get out.
I am that guy, an artist in a high tech world. Rejection is never far behind an initial attraction.