Hey Sweetheart, I loved this piece. It flowed beautifully like a long, satin gown. I didn’t particularly believe that a woman needs to do anything however, because the women I have fallen in love with were always interesting, made up or not. I do appreciate that this piece took time to write and I loved that you finally met someone after a long period of time and you did it because you saw his desire. That selflessness was appealing. You made me very happy with the fantasy. I never think of women doing something like that for men, but I guess they do. On Monday, I rode my bike to Sausalito, and I usually run every other day. Today, a woman in a passing car stared at me as I was crossing the street. and I felt she was longing for me. I am 59 and I am in good shape. I laid the floor in my bathroom, now the flooring is done in my house. I am choosing quartz counters. I painted my bedroom salmon. Its all to attract a woman. Everything I do is to attract the woman or someone like her. I am building a nest. Yes, we do things for others and for ourselves. We create beauty through our truth. Your truth is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.