He raped you, gave you herpes, and ran away at the thought of you having herpes? I guess the fact that he raped you would have been enough of a turn off to me. I am saddened by the forgiveness, the acceptance of him, the tolerance of rape, but I am really just very sad that this monster exists, because HE DID THIS to you. You are innocent! As a man, this should never happen. It is horrible in the sense that a court of law would need proof. That is what’s F’d-up. But, I think you should tell the police, so that there is a record. We need to get him out of the population. He will do this again. As a man, I don’t know any rapists, because men don’t tell each other that they raped someone, and I have heard someone here on Medium blame other men for rapists. But, I really don’t know who among the people I know are rapists, but I would like to, so I can help stop rape.