For one thing, you never have to apologize to me. Second, I misread the piece. You were clear. You turned out to be asymptomatic and a guy who says, in effect, that you should feel lucky that he was willing to date you anyway, is an idiot and someone who needs to lord over someone, thus he is lacking self-confidence. He knew. He dated you. The issue was dead as soon as he knew and stayed. Anyway, you are a great writer. I am sorry that happened to you. A writer on Medium once said that she wishes other men would call men out on their raping. This inpired me to say that I don't know who rapes a woman, just as you might not know who is going to rape you, where it was interesting that you said he seemed like an animal. Men, who rape, may feel they are being macho/tough. I don't know what they think. But, the only way to look at it is someone taking advanage of someone weaker. That's not manly. That's weak. And to teach a woman a lesson, implied by the power-over-another dynamic, is not to take responsiblity for one's projection onto someone who probably has nothing to do with the irresponsibility of the rapist. Ours has been called a rape culture. I don't see how it should be since it's not gentlemanly to rape someone. I think we should ask men to stand up if they have raped, arguing that if they were a "man" they would, and then begin the reeducation of American males.