Dominic, a fallacy should never be safe nor cared for. Writing such titles should not be rewarded. What you are committing is called Non sequitur. You are saying that editors should be attacked? Look, I live in a Trump world. You live across the pond. Language, truth, and logic is the first line of defense against dictatorship. I refuse to be bullied into thinking that it’s my fault that someone else commits an error of logic. In fact, just the other day another person’s fallacy could have cost me my job. And the fact that it still can means that I am neither safe nor cared for. So, perhaps you should stop thinking of yourself and make sure that the truth is cared for. The question you should be asking: Is the title a fallacy? If yes, then I have nothing to do with your argument. If you say the title is not a fallacy, then I have nothing further to say.