Dating apps never really worked for me. Whether by virtue of my declared age, or by what measure, it seemed to single me out for failure.
But, when I figured I was swiping based on whether or not I would want to sleep with the woman whose picture I was viewing, it made sense to me.
If they were too young or too attractive, I am sure they were scrutinizing me against a slew of other men younger and more attractive.
Plus, even when I was chosen, I doubted their sincerity or motive, usually correctly, and either didn’t know what to say or didn’t want to say anything.
On-line dating reinforces the stereotypes we have about who will make a good mate, sex partner, or whatever our motivations were for choosing the app.
Those most appealing visually, I think for both genders, got swiped right most often. Perhaps they were the only ones to be swiped right; the rest of us floundered on the sidelines.
Inevitably, Tinder is like going to a party and seeing the most attractive woman, everyone wants her, and as the party wears on and everyone has made eye contact, or had the balls to actually get orally rejected, and struck out, they move to other possibilities.
But, there is a limit given so little data to make another decision.
People get bored with rejection and leave the party all together.
Some bodies were getting lucky.
It wasn’t me.
I am certainly not willing to pay for rejection.
No algorithm is going to override my inherent bias in picking, who would not choose me in the first place.
Almost everyone, who chose me was not my “type.” It’s hard facing the facts.
I would just rather remain delusional and quiet than face more truth about my outlying chances.
I am looking for the app called After Burn, Ashes,or Dust to Dust.
Lucky for me and the rest of us unlucky on those dating apps, Dust to Dust is indeed a new app that humps Tinder for cast offs and like Edward T. Hall’s famous scientific anecdote about rats in a cardboard box, all of us secondary and tertiary rats waiting for the drunk and rejected, will get a chance.
The algorithm for Dust to Dust surveys all the left-swiped individuals and invites them to a social, where upon entry, all participants are asked to sign waivers and then shot up with an anti-inhibitor.
They are led into a dark room via a single file corridor with rave-type music and asked to remove their clothes, lubricated with vanilla oil, and then pushed into the crowd.
I forgot to mention everyone is blindfolded.
You can imagine how feeling lucky pretty much turns to feeling scared, and dating or hooking up seems like the last thing you want to do.
People are always picky about with whom and however they have sex.
Those who eventually make it out of the “party” through the trap doors or behind the scenes given sympathetic employees, have been giving the app no stars and eye-curdling descriptions of events.
Many of us were less than hopeful at the outset.
This just proves it.
Mate selection is alive and well.
For a lot of us, we are toast in a dinner and dancing world. Did I mention movies? Well, I don’t know about you but I will be going alone.