COVID actually helped me get into a routine. I have been running for sometime, but after COVID hit that's about all I have been doing and it's made me extremely fit. From short spurts of running, say like 25 feet, and stopping. I have nearly run the entire 6.2 miles of the Lafayette Reservior Rim trail, which goes up and down to levels of around 1015ft elevation. I almost never have time for this when I am working. Maybe I could run twice a week then. Now, I run about every other day. As far as my body image is concerned, I am lucky I don't really fluxuate. I have good genes. My mother was a runway model. My father was obese. I got my mother's body, well, a male version. But, I do agree that I am one of the nine in your stat. I want to attract this one woman, who I dated years ago. Somehow, I think my maintaining my physicallity will get her to finally want me. I realize how pathetic that is. But, I have not been able to love anyone else. She was a ballerina, which of course, she hasn't changed physically either. I am 60, she isn't far behind. I would like to be what she wants, whether I know what that is or not. I am sure she'll have some totally different reason for breaking up. But, I focus on the physical, perhaps because that is how I am.
And, by the way, you've written for The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and Harper is publishing your upcoming book. Who the hell cares what you look like!!!! I am so jealous of you, you have no idea. You are such a WINNER!!!!