Clearly Wollstoncraft is much more than a body. Yes, the sculpture does her a disservice. Hambling's justification is immature. How absurd that clothes "make the man," where her words evoked her visible grace, and true, women are different from each other. I do understand why historically women are depicted nude in movies. It was because men mostly dominated literature and film, and in those "fictional" works, male fantasy runs high. Heterosexual man are not interested in male nudes. "An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender," (Gates). I don't know how women can be considered anything less than amazing. I loved and respected my mother because she gave me everything. Interestingly, she was a beauty queen and was a run-way model on television. This is a wonderful piece. Keep telling us the truth. I defer to you. Thank you!