Agreed. Someone, mentioned last night that “If you want a job, you can get one.” And two other people said, “Yes, but even two jobs don’t pay the rent.” And the first person added, “And you may not like what you do, but it pays the bills.” That to me sums up the problem. Meaningless existence coupled with an inability to meet your needs. Look no further than Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a demand of human existence. A man without sex, for example, looks for sex. A woman without food looks for food. There is a great description of the origins of this in The Critique of Dialectical Reason. 400–500 men sitting around banging their shoes with sticks. Families at home hungry. The government senses things are irreparably broken. The next day, the are storming the Bastille. For two years every political leader is killed. Any one caught hoarding is killed. A Reign of Terror. This is in the context of a background of supportability. But, imagine global meltdown.