Actually, the thought of you changes everything. Your little avatar, what you must be like in real life, your boyfriend or husband, I can’t remember, the children certainly, the desk you sit at, the smell of turkey and stuffing, wasn’t it Texas or somewhere? How you had to make a last minute trip to the store, and the children whining about something, how your life is not your own, but for some reason, I want to insert myself in front of you, the PhD, that person with the education in psychology, that mind and body, that face, those eyes, that smile. I want to be so close that I can smell your breath and look into your eyes. The reality of you, the responsibilities you have taken, your future, all of it, makes you irresistible. You are a woman, a beautiful woman, who has done so much, given so much; the thought of you changes everything. Galit, you light my life with the thought of you somewhere out there, kind, taken, composed, and surrounded by an army of others. I am grateful, albeit completely deluded.