Actually, I don’t care what you do, you chose someone you have nothing in common with. You will see how long that lasts. And let me get this straight, I am only responding to this piece as a kind of logical reasoning. I don’t know you. I am not judging you. Why you would even bother writing and publishing it speaks to your adamant position. If you have any shame that’s your thing. I really don’t care. What I care about is how F’d up dating is. I have nothing in common with you. When I fall in love it never dies, which of course is a shame.
Oh, and there is one more thing I came to realize and that is, if I haven’t already said it or implied it, that you do have something in common with Angelo. It’s that you probably share the same lack of commonality as a character trait. I think a lot of people in this world begin and end on a sexual level and remain there. I have met intelligent people, who look at the world in greater terms than sex. I distinctly remember a couple in college, who were so cute together. It was like they were meant to be together. I was jealous of them.
I am also interested in how sex is like this isolated need that is too seldom satisfied and this makes it so important to people and society. And for that reason, our society seems to be undermined by the superficiality of it. It’s how we judge each other. It’s why we make decisions.
Oh, and one more thing. You said men seem to get away with not being considered a slut for sleeping around, it’s like a badge of courage, a feather in one’s cap to score. You are actually condemning a practice and then engaging in it. What’s your position? So, in doing it yourself that makes it right; can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em? No real man just sleeps with a woman to get his rocks off. A real man engages in a committed relationship with a woman and honors her. He honors his mother, who is the greatest person he will ever know. She, a woman, is an extension of that. Women, please know that men actually deeply love you. We wish we could bring home the bacon and cook it for you, but we are failing. We know that.
Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to consider this issue.